Jenko's Mangoes has well established, recognised and respected brands both locally and in the marketplace.
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Jenko's Mangoes is run by a close-knit family team which has been in the horticultural industry for over 25 years.
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Our Brands
Our Team
Jenko's Mangoes is a family run business that was established in 2010.
It is owned and operated by Corey, Jessie, Stephen and Karen Jenkins.
Corey Jenkins
Corey Jenkins is one of the Managing Directors / Owners of Jenko's Mangoes. He oversees all aspects of the operation, including Field and Packing Shed Operations.
Corey has been involved in the Horticultural Industry for over 15 years and has applied his knowledge of company management and small business operations to his management at Jenkos Mangoes.
Corey is also a director of Sejay Walls & Ceilings, a successful construction business servicing regional and remote NT.
Stephen Jenkins
Stephen Jenkins is the second Managing Director of Jenko's Mangoes. He has over 25 years experience in the horticultural industry. Stephen brings invaluable knowledge of tree nutrition and spray programs to the business, and due to his already established supply chain relationships and expertise he plays a major role in the marketing of the produce.
Stephen is the owner of Star Palms Landscaping & Mangoes - a local business which supplied premium organic Hydroponic Tomatoes and Lebanese Cucumbers to local retailers and distributors for over 25 years.
Karen Jenkins
Karen Jenkins is the third Director of Jenko's Mangoes. She has had over 25 years experience in the horticulture industry. Karens experience is invaluable to the training of new staff in the grading, sorting and packing of mangoes.
Karen is also an owner of Star Palms Landscaping & Mangoes and has applied her knowledge of horticultural maintenance and hygiene practices to Jenko's Mangoes.
Jessie Jenkins
Jessie Jenkins is the General Manager at Jenko's Mangoes. Jessie is responsible for staff administration, Quality Assurance Programs, Certification and Audit Compliance, and the running of the IT systems in the packing line.
Jessie has a Bachelor of Science (Hons) and was a laboratory manager for 5 years. She has had a wide range of experience with computer systems, scientific process, as well as regulatory and compliance systems.
She is also Vice President of the Northern Territory Mango Industry Association and a board member of NT Farmers.